SHEFIT Ambassador Spotlight: Kristen Gaffney

SHEFIT Ambassador Spotlight: Kristen Gaffney

    Meet Kristen Gaffney. You may have seen her before, but now it's time to get to know her. Get an inside look at the life of SHEFIT Ambassador Kristen Gaffney:


    What do you do for work?

    While influencing is my creative passion and means of income, my full-time job is being a mama to two boys, Jaxon, 4 & Conway, 2.5. You don't clock out in motherhood! Content creation & promoting self-love to women is my passion.


    Where did you grow up, and what was it like growing up there? 

    I grew up in Silicon Valley, CA. Growing up before iPads & Netflix, I was always playing with my siblings outside. It's been interesting to see the tech boom take over my hometown over the last 10 years (I'm 15 minutes from Google, Apple, LinkedIn, etc.)


    And what did you like doing most as a kid? Was sport or exercise important to you then? 

    My childhood is full of memories around sports and exercise. My mom was a collegiate track star, so we grew up running sprints, hurdles & stairs at a young age. My mom was jacked! I started softball when I was 8 and was a 4-year varsity player in high school in softball & volleyball.


    If you were to give your personality a type, what would it be?

    A type for sure! I am strong, confident & outspoken. I love making people feel comfortable, beautiful & safe. But I also love my quiet alone time to recharge & give my mind, body & soul a break.


    If possible, tell us about an event in your life that helped shape who you are today.

    Submitting my open casting video for Sports Illustrated Swim forever changed me. It was hands down the scariest thing I have ever done in my life (especially at 30 years old, months after having my SECOND big baby boy). It taught me that I was my only competition & I could do absolutely anything if I set fear of judgment aside. I made it to the top 16 & walked a runway in Miami Swim week 4 months postpartum. It was so empowering & my confidence has skyrocketed since.


    What are you currently working for/striving towards? 

    My dream has always been to write a female-focused book that empowers women physically, mentally & in relationships. I have my idea & research narrowed down now I am writing! It's been so fun for me to be creative.


    How does wearing SHEFIT make you feel? 

    Physically SHEFIT is hands down the best sports bra I have ever owned, but more than the bra itself I feel empowered & CONFIDENT being a part of such a powerful, female-focused brand.


    What do you like most about SHEFIT as a brand? 

    My favorite part about SHEFIT as a brand is the CEO, Sara. It's so refreshing to see a Founder who 100% believes in the product she is promoting. She lives and breathes the SHEFIT message, which is promoting self-confidence, health, and love among our sisters. We are a community & I am proud to be a part of that!


    What does Sisterhood mean to you? 

    Sisterhood is a loyal support system full of cheerleaders. It is recognizing that there is enough room for ALL of us to win. It's bringing each other up when we are down and cheering each other on when we are on top. It's offering our wisdom, sharing our networks, and reminding each other that we are not in competition with one another, we are all on the same team!


    What does body positivity mean to you?

    Body positivity to me is not a look, it's a feeling. It is not what you wear, it's how you wear it. It's knowing that no matter what the scale, a magazine, or person says, that YOU know your worth, regardless of what society may say. Body positivity is a next-level confidence that says, "I don't care what you think of me, I care what I think of me, and that's all that matters."


    What's your favorite type of exercise, and how often do you do it?

    Weightlifting is by far my favorite type of exercise, it's all I do. I rarely do cardio or classes. I lift 4-5x a week then usually on the weekends I'll go on a long walk with my husband to enjoy the San Diego nature.


    Why do you love it? What got you hooked on it?

    I love the feeling of my pre-workout kicking in, the tingles, my headphones on, ready to zone out. As a mom, my brain is constantly working nonstop, so the gym has become my sanctuary. It's a place where I can turn off for 1-2 hours, listen to some gangster music, and be one with myself, for myself. Weight lifting is slow, controlled & I love the feeling of focusing on the muscles at work.


    What's your favorite music to work out to?

    If I'm lifting it's mostly old school gangster rap (50 Cent & Eminem are my favorites). But to be honest, my favorite is motivational speeches. I am a firm believer in manifesting your life, and intense, motivational speeches have brought me to tears mid-workout, in front of complete strangers at the gym, because I can FEEL the words affecting me. My favorite speech is "Consistency" by Les Brown. I listen to this speech every workout.


    Do you prefer to workout in a group or on your own? 

    I definitely prefer to workout on my own. I'm not there to gossip, take my time or dilly-dally. I'm there to sweat, build muscle, manifest and envision the life I want, and get better. No distractions (unless you're a beast like my husband and makes me throw up from his workouts!)


    What's your favorite thing about the SHEFIT bra, and why? 

    My favorite part about the SHEFIT bra has to be the 'no more bounce' sturdiness. Being a DD I've never found a bra that keeps my chest in place. Nothing is worse than creepy guys staring at you in the gym! I also love that the back adjusts. As women, our bodies are constantly changing, and I love that the SHEFIT bra can change with you. It's quite beautiful, actually.


    Would you recommend a SHEFIT bra to your friends?/ what would you say to anyone looking for a new sports bra? 

    I tell all my friends about SHEFIT! In fact, if you're reading this you should get your SHEFIT bra, they are sturdy, long-lasting, and come in the cutest colors!


    What do you look for in the perfect legging?

    When shopping for leggings, it's key for me that the legging stays above my butt & doesn't flatten my booty. So many leggings will fall down and create a saggy booty, and no one wants that! I also love leggings that "hold it all in," that are thick enough to create shape but thin enough where I feel the "naked" effect. SHEFIT leggings do just that!