20 Easy DIY Back to School Organization: Ideas for Students (Free Printables)
It sneaks up on you every year: that time when the kids go back to school! And with that means getting back into a morning routine. So why not make it easier on yourself? Get a head start with these 20 DIY back to school organization ideas that will make going back to school easier than ever. We’ve included free printables with tips for everyone in your home – from the teenager heading back to high school to the kindergartener heading to school for the first time to the busy mom with 3 kids. So get out your pencil, take some notes and get ready to start this year more organized than ever before!
1. Homework station
Find a spot in your kitchen or living room to set up a dedicated workspace for your kids. Make it a place where they have everything they need to get their homework done. Get some school supplies together (pencils, pens, erasers etc.) and place them in an easy to find caddy or bucket. Make sure you have extra paper on hand as well and a place for a laptop or computer if they need to do some typing.
2. Morning checklist
Mornings don’t have to be stressful – and you don’t have to be the one to do everything either! Teach your kids a little responsibility by getting them to follow their own morning routine. Use the checklist below (laminated so it can be used over and over) so that they can tick off each item as they are doing it. Keep it on their bedside table or bedroom door so it’s the first thing they see when they get up in the morning. That way your kids will learn a routine and you can feel like there’s less nagging from you!

Nothing’s more aggravating then piles of paper scattered throughout your home. Keep your mail and school notices organized with a file folder hung on the wall or a filing cabinet. Or use a hanging wall organizer with multiple pockets and label each one with different categories – school notices, mail, bills, coupons etc.
4. After-school snack station
Kids are always hungry right after school so instead of rushing around trying to find them a snack or having them grab a bag of unhealthy chips, create a snack station where they can pick from a variety of healthy snacks that won’t spoil their appetite before dinner. Snacks can easily be prepared ahead of time (grab and go bags of pretzels, Cheerios, cheese sticks, grapes or apples). Snacks can be stored in clear plastic bins so you can easily see what’s inside.
5. Backpack station
What kid doesn’t come home and dump their backpack on the entryway floor? Give them their own cubby space so they have somewhere to put their backpack as soon as they get in the house. Use sturdy boxes or milk crates to make cubbies for your kids. Label them with their name or if you want to get creative have them create their own name tag to go on the box. They can store their backpacks, shoes and homework so it’s ready to go for the next morning.
If you have girls in your family, you know it can be a challenge to get their hair ready in the morning, especially when hair clips and hair ties go missing. Create a designated hair station in your bathroom complete with hairbrushes, hair clips and non-slip headbands to make morning hairdos easier to do.
You can easily brighten your child’s day by leaving them a nice note or card in their lunch box. Every kid loves to see that Mom or Dad is thinking about them during the day. You can write a quote, a simple “Hello, I love you” or a personal note. A simple note or card can really help them focus on the positives, and it might even inspire them to keep spreading the positive spirit.
If you find yourself constantly forgetting things, try putting magnets or sticky notes on the back of the front door or garage door so you don’t forget anything before you head out.
It happens to everyone: your child forgot to do their homework! To prevent late homework assignments, have your child fill out a chart with each assignment and when it’s due. Once completed and handed in, they can check it off on the list. Print out this checklist to help keep homework assignments in check.

10. Family bulletin board/chalkboard
Create a chalkboard calendar, either on a wall or bulletin board to help keep all the activities of your family organized. This way everyone knows what’s happening during the week.
Take a few minutes every Sunday to lay out and organize outfits for the week (not just for the kids, for you too)! This will save you loads of frustration every morning when it comes time to decide what to wear. Make sure you check the weather report so that the clothes you’re choosing are appropriate for the temperature outside. To organize the clothes, use hangers labelled with the days of the week and then put the complete outfits on those hangers.
12. Borrowed basket
You’d be surprised how many items your kids borrow from other sources, whether it’s friends, the library or school. Leave a basket by the front door for stuff the kids have borrowed from others so that you don’t forget to give it back!
Get organized at all times of the day – before school, after school and bedtime. Use the daily checklist below as a daily reminder for your kids. Laminate the checklist and use colored pens to check off when a task is complete.

14. Gym Essentials checklist for teens and college students
If you plan on heading to the gym after school, then use a checklist to help you stay organized and to make sure you have everything you could possibly need in your bag before you go.
Gym clothes:
- Shorts or lycra leggings
- T-shirt
- Socks
- Shefit sports bra – No matter what your size, you need a good bra to support you at the gym. Shefit's line of sports bra will revolutionize the way you move at the gym. They provide optimal support with patented adjustability. Choose between the Ultimate Sports Bra and the Perfect Lounge Bra. The Ultimate Sports Bra is the perfect choice for the active woman because of its adjustable fit - providing you with the support and shape you desire. The Perfect Lounge Bra is a comfortable seamless bra that can take you from the gym to your everyday errands. You’ll feel more supported and lifted than any other seamless bra out there. Throw one of these bras in your bag and you’ll be more than ready for your next workout!
- Sneakers
- Yoga mat
- Weight lifting gloves
- Accessories:
- Water bottle
- MP3 player
- Flip-flops
- Microfiber towel
- Plastic bag for wet workout clothes
- Shefit laundry bag - The Shefit Laundry Bag is a large (12" x 16") mesh laundry bag with a zip closure. Created for any delicate garment, especially your Shefit Sports Bra. When washing with the Shefit Laundry Bag, always follow care instructions provided with the garment.
- Travel size of shampoo, conditioner, & body wash
- Facial wipes
- Travel size toothpaste and toothbrush
- Deodorant
- Hairbrush or comb
- Razor
- Headbands & hair elastics - The Shefit Braidband™ headband is a braided workout headband created to Protect Your Crown and ensure you have the best workout, while looking your best.
Emergency kit:
- Tampons or pads
- Band aids
- Pain reliever
Every parent knows a consistent bedtime routine is key to a good night sleep and an even better tomorrow. Did you know that young kids, especially those in elementary school, need at least 10 to 12 hours of sleep a night to feel energized and ready for the day?
16. Meal Planning Chalkboard
Make dinner time a breeze by organizing your meals a week in advance. Use a meal planning chalkboard posted in your kitchen where you and the rest of your family can see what’s for breakfast, lunch and dinner for the week. Spend some time on Sunday planning your meals and making a shopping list. Do all your grocery shopping on Sunday so that all you have to do when you get home from work is make the planned meal of the day.
17. Keep or donate
Plan a monthly closet clean out with your kids and donate any clothes they no longer wear or that no longer fit.
Create a back to school survival kit for your teens heading back to middle school, high school or college. There’s always a few essential things every teen needs on hand in their locker, book bag or dorm room. Include these key items:
- Deodorant
- Shout Wipes or Tide To-Go
- Tissues
- Tampons or pads
- Hair Ties + Bobby Pins
- Mascara
- Breath Mints
- Band-Aids
- Oil-Absorbing Blotting paper
- Face Wipes
- Mini Hairbrush
- Fragrant Body Mist
- Lotion
- Lip balm
- Lint Roller
- Medicine (Advil, Pepto-Bismol, etc.)
- Tweezers
- Nail clippers
- Nail file
19. Kids chores
Help your kids learn some responsibility in the house by giving them a specific chore. By doing so, they’ll feel like an important part of the household and will feel more connected to the family as a whole. Encourage and praise your kids when they complete their chores so they know how important their job is to the family – even if it’s as simple as walking the dog or folding some laundry.
20. Stress-Free laundry day
Laundry shouldn’t be stressful, so make it easier on yourself by creating a system to organize your laundry. Buy plastic bins for each child that will easily fit under their bed. Label each bin with the following:
For your boys:
- PJ’s
- Sweater
- T-shirts
- Underwear
- Socks
- Shorts & Pants
For your girls:
- Skirts and dresses
- PJ’s
- Sweater
- T-shirts
- Panties
- Socks
- Shorts & Pants
With these DIY back to school organization tips this September is sure to be your easiest one yet. Use the ideas and free printables above to streamline your morning routine – they’re sure to help you avoid stressful school mornings. A little organization will go a long way to finally giving you some much needed “me” time!