Back when you were in high school, you were running around with friends, playing sports, had easy access to a gym and had free time for extra activities - then you had this whole summer to be active and run around planning for your semester at college. Whether it's your first semester at college, or your last, moving away and going to school takes away a number of your exercise opportunities. Soon, the to-do list of exams, meetings and projects adds up and you find yourself limited to cafeteria food (not always a good fit for a healthy lifestyle) and the only running you're doing is running late (that's not cardio, friend). Mentally and physically, it is important to get ready for back to school fitness. By walking as much as possible, joining a pick-up sports league, participating in a group fitness class and trying in-home workouts, you can stay in shape and feel great even when you're away at school.
Some of us need extra motivation. Classes can offer that. By signing up for a group class you are putting a task on your calendar and have an instructor making sure you are getting the most out of your time. A weekly spin class, a high intensity interval training class or a Crossfit group can all help you stay motivated in your fitness journey.
Chances are your classes aren't in the same room. You probably have to rush across campus for a class, or go upstairs to get to a lecture hall. Skip the car and don't avoid the stairs! If you are early, go up and down a couple times to get some extra activity in before you are sitting through class. And, when it comes to your dorm room, opt for stairs over elevator as frequently as possible.Join a team
Not only is joining a recreational league or intramural league a great way to burn some calories, it is an even better way to meet new friends. Grab a couple dorm-mates and find a team. It's fun, can be challenging and works up a sweat.Sign up for a class