Sweat Sessions Volume 2
This is a series of guided, full-body workouts by SHEFIT Founder, Sara Marie, and fitness coach, Gwadue Bossuah, focused on getting your body up and moving. Feel the burn while working out Tabata style - 20 seconds on and 10 seconds off. So give it everything you got, rest, and repeat. We will start with a 5-minute warm-up, then jump into today's 10-minute sweat session. If you are at the beginner or intermediate level, go for six rounds, and if you're at the advanced level, aim for eight rounds.
Follow along, push yourself, and have fun!
Prisoner Squats
Jumping Jacks
Crossover Flings
Y Squat Jumps
Tiger Push-Ups
Spiderman Jumps
Swinging Bridge
Oblique Rock