10 Simple Tips for Women Starting a Successful Business

Women tend to be more ambitious &  thus more successful than their male counterparts when it comes to starting a business. But for women, it can often be a difficult task as they are usually juggling family, wife & household duties along with trying to bu

 Women tend to be more ambitious &  thus more successful than their male counterparts when it comes to starting a business. But for women, it can often be a difficult task as they are usually juggling family, wife & household duties along with trying to build their startup business. With some hard work, vision & timing, you can also become a successful entrepreneur! Check out our 10 step checklist for all first time #entrepreneurs to help you get started from #Shefit blog!  #GirlBoss


Easy 10 Step Checklist for First Time Entrepreneurs

You don’t have to be a celebrity, super rich or even a man to start your own successful business. There are plenty of women out there who are great entrepreneurs and have done so from the comfort of their own home. Plus, did you know that more than 9.4 million firms are owned by women? Women tend to be more ambitious and thus more successful than their male counterparts when it comes to starting a business. But for women, it can often be a difficult task as they are usually juggling family, wife and household duties along with trying to build their startup business. Even with all of that, building a successful business can still be done. With some hard work, vision and timing, you can also become a successful entrepreneur! We’ve created a simple 10 step checklist for all first time entrepreneurs to help you get started!


1. Decide on a great name for your business

Coming up with a fun, catchy name for your business is no easy task but it can have a significant impact on your success. Choosing the wrong name can bring about headaches (think legal and business hurdles) and may turn potential clients off.

Women tend to be more ambitious &  thus more successful than their male counterparts when it comes to starting a business. But for women, it can often be a difficult task as they are usually juggling family, wife & household duties along with trying to build their startup business. With some hard work, vision & timing, you can also become a successful entrepreneur! Check out our 10 step checklist for all first time #entrepreneurs to help you get started from #Shefit blog!  #GirlBoss


2. Life Long Learning

Becoming an entrepreneur also means that you are constantly learning and solving problems on the go. Each day that you have your business, you’ll most likely learn something new – whether it’s about your product, your client base or simply how you do business. To keep up with the latest in business innovation, dedicate time daily to reading blogs, newspapers, magazines and books.


Women tend to be more ambitious &  thus more successful than their male counterparts when it comes to starting a business. But for women, it can often be a difficult task as they are usually juggling family, wife & household duties along with trying to build their startup business. With some hard work, vision & timing, you can also become a successful entrepreneur! Check out our 10 step checklist for all first time #entrepreneurs to help you get started from #Shefit blog!  #GirlBoss


3. Build a great product

You want your product or service to be great from the get-go. It has to be different from everything else out there and important to your target audience. If you think you have a great product, get it out there to the market. You’ll want as much early customer feedback as you can get so you can improve if need be.

4. Become the best salesperson for your brand

In order for your business to be successful, you need to be the best salesperson you can for your product or service. You not only have to sell your business to potential customers or clients but also to prospective investors and employees. The key is to practice – practice and refine your pitch, get regular feedback and learn to make changes as needed. You need to show confidence, be positive, listen and show them you’re trustworthy. You must ask for the sale and always follow-up.

5. Create a great website

Devote some time and effort to creating a great company website. So much is done online these days that a great site can be the difference between a successful business and a bust. Your prospective investors, customers and partners will be checking out your site so you’ll want to make sure you impress them from the very beginning.


Women tend to be more ambitious &  thus more successful than their male counterparts when it comes to starting a business. But for women, it can often be a difficult task as they are usually juggling family, wife & household duties along with trying to build their startup business. With some hard work, vision & timing, you can also become a successful entrepreneur! Check out our 10 step checklist for all first time #entrepreneurs to help you get started from #Shefit blog!  #GirlBoss


6. Market, market, market

In order to have a successful business, you need to be constantly attracting, building and educating your target market. Make sure your marketing strategy includes SEO, social media marketing and press releases for significant events.

7. Hire consultants and freelancers to boost your team

When you’re first starting out, you’ll most likely only have a few people on your team to minimize expenses. For specialized expertise, turn to freelancers or consultants. You can use them for what you need without having to pay for benefits or other employee costs.

8. Disconnect

When you first start out (and even once your brand takes off), it’s easy to sit in your home office and work day in and day out. Make sure you take some time each day to disconnect and get some rest. Not only do you need physical rest, but your brain needs a rest too. Disconnecting can also help you see and solve problems from a fresh perspective the next day.


Women tend to be more ambitious &  thus more successful than their male counterparts when it comes to starting a business. But for women, it can often be a difficult task as they are usually juggling family, wife & household duties along with trying to build their startup business. With some hard work, vision & timing, you can also become a successful entrepreneur! Check out our 10 step checklist for all first time #entrepreneurs to help you get started from #Shefit blog!  #GirlBoss


9. Create a brand for yourself

No matter what your product or service, it’s important that you have a strong personal brand.

Women tend to be more ambitious &  thus more successful than their male counterparts when it comes to starting a business. But for women, it can often be a difficult task as they are usually juggling family, wife & household duties along with trying to build their startup business. With some hard work, vision & timing, you can also become a successful entrepreneur! Check out our 10 step checklist for all first time #entrepreneurs to help you get started from #Shefit blog!  #GirlBoss


10. Commit to personal fitness

Just like you need to take time to disconnect, you also need to take some time for yourself to workout and keep healthy. Because we all know health = wealth. You can be super successful but if you aren’t healthy it won’t make a difference! And to keep you comfortable and supported while you workout, check out Shefit's Ultimate Sports Bra for small tatas to large breasts. This customizable high-impact sports bra is perfect for any cup size. It will keep you supported and comfortable as you get your daily workout in!

RELATED: The Best 20 Minute Fat Burning Workout to Rev Up Your Metabolism

No one said starting a business would be easy, but if it’s something you really want and you can dedicate the time to it, then the world is your oyster! And remember to stick with it – just because some ideas might not pan out doesn’t mean all others will too. Having your own business is an adventure – one that will take you down many different paths. So embrace all the challenges and rewards it can offer you. Just keep this checklist in mind as you venture on the path of a first time entrepreneur!


Women tend to be more ambitious &  thus more successful than their male counterparts when it comes to starting a business. But for women, it can often be a difficult task as they are usually juggling family, wife & household duties along with trying to build their startup business. With some hard work, vision & timing, you can also become a successful entrepreneur! Check out our 10 step checklist for all first time #entrepreneurs to help you get started from #Shefit blog!  #GirlBoss


Photo credit: Bigstock, Pixabay